Hi my name is Deandra and I am writing about how to speak Maori Language. I am also learning to speak maori words for my topic studies. Below here I have written some Words in Maori translated to English and at the bottom I have my Mihi in Maori and it is also in English.
English - Maori.
1. Head - Maunga
2. Shoulders - Pakihiwi
3. Eyes - Karu
4. Nose - Ihu
5. Ears - Taringa
6. Mouth - Waha
7. Hands - Ringa Ringa
8. Legs - Waewae
Here are some questions and the answers to the questions in Maori that I know:
English - Maori
Ko wai to ingoa?
What is your name?
Ko ........... toku ingoa
My name is ............
Kei te pehea koe?
How are you?
Kei te pai ahau
I am good
Ka nui te ora
I am great
Ko wai to hoa?
Who is your friend?
Ko ......... toku hoa
My friend is ........
Here are some greetings in Maori and in English:
Kia Ora - Hello
Tena Koe - Hello
Morena - Good Morning
Ata Marie - Good Morning
Tena Korua - Hello if you’re talking to two people
Here is a Maori word for goodbye
Ka Kei te /Ano
See you tomorrow
Numbers up to 20 in Maori :
English - Maori
One - Tahi
Two - Rua
Three - Toru
Four - Wha
Five - Rima
Six - Ono
Seven - Whitu
Eight - Waru
Nine - Iwa
Ten - Tekau
Eleven - Tekau ma Tahi
Twelve - Tekau ma Rua
Thirteen - Tekau ma Toru
Fourteen - Tekau ma Wha
Fifthteen - Tekau ma Rima
Sixteen - Tekau ma Ono
Seventeen - Tekau ma Whitu
Eighteen - Tekau ma Waru
Nineteen - Tekau ma Iwa
Twenty - Rua Tekau
Here is example of my Mihi in Maori:
Ko Mata whoura te Waka.
Ko Taniwha te Maunga.
Ko Utakura te Awa.
Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi.
Ko Ngati - toro te Hapu
Ko Rahiri te Rangatira
Ko Piki te Aroha te Marae.
Ko Deandra ahau.
My Canoe is Mata whoura .
My Mountain is Taniwha.
My River is Utakura.
My Tribe is Ngapuhi.
My Subtribe is Ngati - toro.
My Chief is Rahiri.
My Marae is Piki te Aroha.
My Name is Deandra.
Kia ora Deandra,
ReplyDeleteWhat a lot of Maori words and sentences you already know! Do you use some of them in everyday use? You have written a very thorough account of Te reo Maori - ka pai!
Tsana (Karl & Robin's mum)